Saturday, September 6, 2008

Active Isolated Stretching

Active Isolated Stretching
Experience Active Isolated Stretching or AIS for pain relief, and a dramatic improvement in range of motion and quality of life. Combined with personal training and aftercare to help you continue on your path of wellness, this is BY FAR the most effective modality that we have to offer. A.I.S. is perhaps the most amazing bodywork modality we have encountered. If your like most of us...the first words out of your mouth are usually something like... Oh yeh....I stretch, or, I've done some stretching... or, I did that back when i was playing football in college, or, I do some yoga, or I tried it, and it didnt help. Well, I am here to tell you that AIS is different. There are a number of very specific reasons WHY it is different, and WHY it works so much better than anything else we have encountered. Experience a session at Planet Massage today, and see for yourself what AIS can do for you! See our Full Services Menu here, or Contact Us to book an appointment today.
Developed by Aaron Mattes of Sarasota, Fl who has been perfecting the technique for decades, helping literally hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. ( Planet Massage has a number of therapists personally trained by Aaron, and our hats all go off to him. He is truly an amazing man and his techniques are clinically sound, revolutionary, highly effective and life changing.
Come see for yourself just how life changing being limber can be. AIS is a stretching protocol designed to lengthen the muscle fibers and free your body from adhesions, which can result in a dramatic reduction in pain and new found freedom of movement. Results are usually seen from the first session and one can usually expect to see dramatic results after a series of visits with a qualified AIS therapist.
Watch a Video: Check out a web video from U tube here. The video was not made by us... the technique is OK, but not in real time, and not therapist assisted, as your session would be. Will give you a pretty good idea of the moves and what to expect during a session.
• How can Active Isolated Stretching help me?
Relieves pain: 95% of our clients report decreased pain, increased range of motion and improved posture. Prevent injuries: Active Isolated Stretching. Increases flexibility, mobility and health of muscles, tendons and ligaments, reducing the risk of muscle strain and tear.
Sports Injury & performance: A.I.S. will greatly assist in keeping you pain free and performing your best. Sports specific stretching programs for golf, tennis, running and more.
Promote faster recovery: Active Isolated Stretching. Improves oxygenation and nutrition of the myofacial structures promoting growth and repair.
Watch a sports stretching session...Please note, this video is off the web, NOT our Clinic/spa or therapist!
Increase your blood circulation: Active Isolated Stretching. Stimulates the circulation and lymph drainage, which helps eliminate toxic wastes which can bog you down and lead to disease.
Increase your mobility and flexibility: Active Isolated Stretching. Allows you to intensify your training, protect you from pain, spasms and tension which will ultimately inhibit your movement
Makes you feel lighter and look taller: as your body is limber, posture improved and muscles lengthened to their maximum extent.
General health and beauty: Active Isolated Stretching supports lymph flow and drainage, while real aligning collagen fibers promoting general health and vibrant young looking skin as a result.
Booking an Appointment: Please call 954.763.1619 or Contact Us.
What to wear: Please arrive in stretchy or baggy gym style clothes. Dress for the gym. ( Shorts) No skirts, dresses or short shorts please. Visit us at

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